Teacher Area

Welcome to the Teacher Area. Imperium was written to be taught in a modern classroom, using a data projector or interactive whiteboard in almost every lesson. This course was born of a desire to teach Latin in a high-tech way, but also with a traditionalist's eye for grammatical learning and accuracy.

Recent private teaching has shown that the course can be taught at incredible speed in a small class or single learner scenario - read about the experience here.

Please note that if you are buying 5 or more of the Imperium books for your class, I should be able to do you an advantageous deal on prices, so please email me to discuss your needs.

Please note also that there is a new page for U3A members (teachers and learners) at this link.

Site Support Pack

If you choose to teach Imperium, it is strongly recommended that you should use our Site Support Pack. We believe this offers superb value for money, as once you have bought this, you really shouldn't need much else at all.

This electronic download contains all three coursebooks in pdf format, the Grammar and Syntax Guide in pdf format, the Imperium Word Tools App for Mac, PC and Linux computers, Audio files, images, teaching notes, a scheme of work, correct answer files, tests, unseens and more. Click here for details of what is included and what conditions of use will apply.

Please note the price for this product is £50 + VAT, with all adjustments made for payment in local currencies. You can make your purchase online here.

Free downloads

Notes on teaching the course, including a provisional scheme of work, can be freely downloaded here. This will help you make decisions about whether to use the course or not.

A course overview document can be freely downloaded here. This will give you a good idea of what is included and where in the course.

A playlet based on Chapter 5 can be freely downloaded here. Thespians, get your togas ready!

Thanks to Peter Ellis for suggesting that reference tables would be a good idea for users of Imperium Books 1 and 2, for pasting into their exercise books somewhere. You can download them from this link.

Free Software from Centaur Systems

Latin Vocab Drill is highly respected and well-used software for use on Mac or PC systems, which will help with the learning of vocabulary. It is also free of charge and can be downloaded from this link, where you should select the version preconfigured for the Imperium Latin Course.

Latin Flash Drill is well proven software for use on Mac or PC systems, which will help with the learning of grammatical systems. It is also free of charge and can be downloaded from this link, where you should select the version preconfigured for the Imperium Latin Course.

Advanced students

If you have advanced students, you may well wish to read about Imperium Latin Unseens at this link.

Other Resources not included in the Site Support Pack

Details of the Imperium Word Tools App for iOS or Android systems can be found at this link.

All printed books can be purchased from the links provided on the relevant pages of this website.


There is a Teacher Forum, which you can view here, though to leave your own comments or questions you will need to be a registered member and logged in.