Welcome to the Imperium Latin Course

These materials were written by Julian Morgan, designed in and for the twenty-first century. The three main course books of Imperium Latin can be downloaded free of charge as pdf files. The full project consists of lots of things, some free and some you can pay for, including printed books, a grammar and syntax guide, a puzzle book and a collection of unseens for advanced users.

Unique, highly resourced and written to make fullest use of modern technology, the Imperium Latin Course follows the life of the Emperor Hadrian from his early childhood to his later years, as he became the most powerful man in the Roman world.

The Imperium Latin Course is suitable for use in schools and universities as well as for self-learners and U3A groups for whom there are separate pages on this website. If you teach in an establishment with limited time for your programme of studies, you may be interested in reading the page called 34 lessons.

I wish someone had explained things to me like this when I did Latin at school: this is a way of breaking the myth that it is an impossibly difficult subject. Students love the fact that it is a book which is theirs to write on and they do translation from English into Latin better as a result of doing your course. One of the great things is that Imperium Latin is not written as a dry document: we hear your voice through your writing and it feels like you are in the room. Most students who start with your course go on to do GCSE and there are now kids doing Latin at a high level because of your books.

Maria Duckham, King’s College Taunton

All of these materials are published by J-PROGS. Our books can be ordered from Amazon but are also available as pdf files in our Site Support Packs, which can be bought by schools. Please browse this website to read more about the materials and their distribution.

Books 1 to 3 of the course can be downloaded free of charge from this link at TES Resources. If you are doing this, be aware that there are resources on this website which will make things more rewarding. Please think about buying some apps or a Site Support Pack to enhance the experience for yourself or your students and by so doing, help to guarantee the project’s future.

Fair enough - but why Imperium?

If you are wondering why you might want to look at Imperium in detail, click on this link. It may inspire you to go further.

This short film may serve as a guide to all the main materials in the course.

Contact Point

Please contact me by email: julian@imperiumlatin.com
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